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Lindell Hotel.
The newest, neatest and best up-town hotel.
Lincoln Daily Call, December 30, 1890
Descriptions of Lincoln Properties.
Lincoln Stove and Furnace Co., The Eagle Iron Works, Vitrified Paving ...
Lincoln Daily Call, January 1, 1891
Descriptions of Lincoln Properties.
J.B. McMurtry, Evans Laundry Company, Hardy & Pitcher�Furniture, The P...
Lincoln Daily Call, January 1, 1891
Exterior and Interior Views of the New Dining Cars on the "Great Rock Island" Route
Models of Beauty, Comfort and Luxury�Possessing Novel and Disctinctive...
Lincoln Daily Call, January 1, 1891
Food for Reflection.
Pertinent Questions Easily Answered.
Lincoln Daily Call, January 1, 1891
A City of Whirling Wheels and Busy Workmen.
Lincoln Daily Call, January 1, 1891
Public Improvements.
The Year's Expenditures Aggregate $300,000.
Lincoln Daily Call, January 1, 1891
The Wholesale Trade.
Lincoln's Resistless March Upon the Jobbing Field.
Lincoln Daily Call, January 1, 1891
Higher Education.
As an Educational Center Lincoln Has No Rival.
Lincoln Daily Call, January 3, 1891
Blow in the Dark
John Sheedy the Victim of a Cowardly Assault.
The Nebraska State Journal, January 12, 1891
The Gamblers are Fools
Pat Sheedy Says So and His Word Must Stand
The Nebraska State Journal, January 12, 1891
Will Prove a Murder.
John Sheedy Again Waylaid and Murderously attacked.
Lincoln Daily Call, January 12, 1891
The Blow Was Fatal.
The Assasin's Blow Ends John Sheedy's Life.
Lincoln Daily Call, January 13, 1891
From the State Capital
The Police Trying to Run Down the Assasin of John Sheedy
Omaha Bee (Morning Edition), January 14, 1891
Lincoln Weekly News, January 15, 1891
Omaha Bee (Morning Edition), January 15, 1891
Death Believes Him
Lincoln Weekly News, January 15, 1891
After Life's Fitful Fever
John Sheedy Dies Of His Injuries
Semi Weekly State Journal, January 16, 1891 (Transcription)
After Life's Fitful Fever
John Sheedy Dies of His Injuries
Semi Weekly State Journal, January 16, 1891
From the State Capital
A Revengeful Witness Tries to Send an Innocent Person to Jail
Omaha Bee (Morning Edition), January 16, 1891
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